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Tracking and predicting sales trends with data in the on-trade / HoReCa sector

SharpGrid Research Team

Long gone are the days when intuition and past experience were the main tools to predict sales. Today, we’re in the thick of a data revolution, and it's changing the game in the HoReCa sector. Every point of sale transaction, online menu, social media post, and database entry is a valuable nugget of information. We're surrounded by data, and the key to success lies in how well we can harness it. Take it from us, we've been doing this for living for years. And clients like Coca-Cola, Heineken or Red Bull testify that we've been doing it right. So, let's take a deep dive into this data-rich universe and explore how to use it to predict sales trends.

Free Market Report: See various brands' and products' strength in the on-trade / HoReCa industry

Understanding and utilizing big data

What's big data?

  • It’s vast
  • It's varied
  • It's fast

In simple terms, big data is the torrent of information generated every second of every day, from countless sources. In the on-trade / HoReCa sector, this includes  point of sale transactions, menu analysis, digital channels, government databases or delivery services. Decoding it is like assembling a puzzle. Each piece fits into the larger picture. POS transactions, for example, can reveal what products are selling best at what times. Menu analysis can shed light on popular food and drink combinations, while social media speak about customer preferences and feedback.

The goal is to turn this sea of information into a roadmap to navigate the on-trade/HoReCa channel. This calls for effective processing and analysis. Here's where advanced data tech comes into play, transforming raw data into actionable insights. Insights that can shape your decisions, strategies, and ultimately, your success.

Beer and data, an ideal pairing.

Unleashing the power of data in the on-trade / HoReCa channel

In an industry as dynamic and competitive as the beverage business, having your finger on the pulse of sales trends is crucial. But the tools are scarce. One of them is the Outlet Census Live, a blend of technology, data analysis, and business-oriented design for field reps, managers, market intelligence and sales support teams. Thanks to its automated update every quarter, it is able to capture market dynamics and sales trends like none other.

Access a free demo of Outlet Census Live

Let's delve into some real-life examples to see how different roles can benefit from on-trade / HoReCa data in tracking or predicting sales trends:

Sales Manager in the on-trade / HoReCa channel

Sales Managers have their work cut out for them. From tracking brand penetration to creating financial plans, every day is a jigsaw puzzle of tasks. Managers can keep an eye on brand performance across outlets, uncovering opportunities and tracking brand or product performance across the entire market, thus getting valuable info on sales trends as well. The tool's granular data can also help tailor strategies to specific segments and regions, keeping the brand relevant and in the spotlight.

Field Representative in the on-trade / HoReCa channel

For Field Representatives, discovery and ranking outlets is no longer finding a needle in a haystack. With the comprehensive outlet data, field reps can identify those outlets that resonate with their specific category or price segment and thus better predict their success rate, leading to better sales trends understanding. The tool also provides a complete view of each outlet, including its brand portfolio, recent changes, and historical trends, thereby offering a solid basis for crafting impactful sales strategies and predictions.

Market Intelligence in the on-trade / HoReCa channel

When it comes to Market Intelligence pros, their need for timely and precise information is crucial. Outlet Census Live lets them monitor brand penetration across regions and segments, uncovering new opportunities or threats in the process. It also helps identify high-demand areas where their brands can truly shine. This all can lead to a better understanding of sales trends in on-trade / HoReCa channel, providing better understanding of customers and consumers alike.

Sales Support in the on-trade / HoReCa channel

Lastly, Sales Support Professionals can leverage Outlet Census Live to develop centralized lead and campaign lists, design profitable route-to-market strategies, and maintain high data quality and consistency, leading to better control over tracking and predicting sales trends.

Outlet Census Live is more than just a tool - it's a digital ally that enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve. After all, in the world of beverages, it's all about knowing your trends. And more importantly, knowing them before anyone else does.

You can be the one to bring data revolution to your team or company.

Unleashing the full potential of data in tracking sales trends

The future is here. 

Imagine this scenario - a field representative is tasked with increasing sales in a particular city. Instead of resorting to guesswork, they turn to Outlet Census Live. With its predictive analytics capabilities, they can identify which outlets are likely to sell the most of their product category in the upcoming season. Now, that's planning with sales trends foresight.

Or consider a sales manager faced with a tough decision - where to allocate the annual sales budget. They could spread it evenly, but that might not be the most effective strategy. What if some outlets have higher sales potential than others? Using Outlet Census Live's analytics, they can allocate resources where they'll have the most impact, ensuring the brand's growth and profitability and predicting sales trends in the process.

But predictive analytics isn't only for those on the front lines of sales. Market intelligence professionals can use it to keep a close eye on customer and brand penetration, spotting emerging trends, and seizing opportunities before the competition. Sales support professionals, meanwhile, can optimize the efficiency of their teams, saving time and ensuring consistent data quality.

In this world, data isn't just an asset - it's a lifeline. It fuels decisions, propels strategies, and ultimately, drives success. In the race to quench the world's thirst, the one with the best insights has the edge. With data in your corner, there's nothing to stop you from making a splash. 

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